Nicole Gets the Big One Tonight

Ask TWW - April 22, 2021

1:40 – Welcome to the Woodworking Thursday Evening Friday Morning Show!
2:10 – Thank You to our Patreon and YouTube members!
4:50 – Does seasonal storage of wood (non-climate controlled) affect your lumber at all?
8:44 – Should you mill an entire board or cut it down to size and mill each board piece as needed?
11:01 – Any suggestions for a router plate in a Kreg table saw wing.
12:30 – Are keyless chucks good for a drill press? Any recommendations on which one?
13:45 – Are you going to make a Woodworking Evening Show T-Shirt?
14:07 – Can you still use a finish after it has frozen and thawed?
15:35 – Opinion on 3mm vs 5mm stroke for sanding? Which is better?
16:25 – Have you ever heard of Black Oak? What about Blackjack Lumber?
17:04 – What CNC do you have?
17:15 – Have you seen Marc’s amazing Powermatic interview?
18:18 – When is Jory’s next project going to be posted?
19:25 – What can you use Cedar woodchips for?
20:36 – Did you have any issues with the odor with your rubber floor tiles?
21:45 – Does the Kapex has a lateral play problem? Why do router bits create shavings and sawblades create dust?
23:27 – Check out Wilbur!
25:35 – If you have the CNC templates, do you still need to use a router bushing?
26:49 – Can you use something else besides the Veritas 1/2″ tenon maker on the Sculpted Rocker?
27:47 – Please do more beginner series stuff! It’s awesome!
28:37 – Do you have any suggestions for obtaining sponsors on a YouTube\Online presence?
33:17 – When using the Shaper Origin, it was suggested to create a “DogBone” for your mortise and tenon – Thoughts?
34:49 – Any thoughts on adding a liquor cabinet to the guild?
35:33 – Do you have an example of a combination 220/110 outlet?
39:04 – Any suggestions for projects with Wenge?
40:36 – Should you add a music track to your videos? What about voiceovers?
43:40 – Did you buy one of the Rockler Cross-Cut Sleds? What are your thoughts?
44:07 – What are the key qualities you look for in buying a bandsaw?
46:16 – How old was your kid when you first made the kitchen step-stool?
46:58 – Have you ever used a sliding table saw?
47:25 – Any tips for prepping tools for a big move(overseas)?
49:08 – Where is the clock from?
51:20 – New video coming out 4/21 about finishes and experiences!

Searchable Spreadsheet for past Live shows

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