Kashi Farts – Friday Live!

Ask TWW - May 11, 2018

Here’s the topic rundown (thanks to Ben Achtenberg):
0:10 – Marc got a cool shirt at Fine Woodworking Live
0:44 – Marc paints Walnut for fun (and to mess with people)
3:29 – Join Patreon to get more question visibility
4:09 – Any tips\pointers/information for the inlay you did on the memorial box lid? Router-Based Inlay Video
7:06 – Is there any interior design program you recommend?
8:07 – Can you use a floating mortise and tenon on a coffee table inspired by the exploded one Marc recently built?
9:53 – When will Johnny Brooke guild build start?
10:07 – What joinery (sliding dovetails, specifically) could you use for a shelf for a home theater projector?
13:30 – Have you ever built a project mockup with cardboard prior to building the full project?
14:51 – Do you REALLY need to have your tablesaw be level (to the floor).
15:50 – What is a good entry level Fuji-Spray system?
17:07 – Has Nicole installed the coin display case yet?
18:31 – What woodworking magazine do you subscribe to (if any)?
19:40 – Does Marc actively use his Dylos Air Monitor while he is woodworking?
20:46 – What was the name of Marc’s band(s) in high school?
22:05 – Have you ever met or worked with someone that has tremors in their hand?
24:30 – Is being detail oriented a pre-requisite for fine woodworking?
27:18 – Why are marking gauge lines not planed off when cutting dovetails?
29:05 – Can you use mineral oil/spirits to smooth epifanes (once cured)?
30:27 – What is your favorite thing to do in the shop when you don’t have time for an involved project?
31:45 – What finish would you use on an island top made of walnut (needs to be food safe)?
35:00 – Is there a way to limit/eliminate cupping when resawing down to 1″?
36:30 – Would you ever come to a maker conference in the UK?
38:44 – Two free projects were given away this week!


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